Cub Scout Pack Portraits
I am very blessed to be able to be the Cubmaster of my son’s Cub Scout Pack. I recently had the opportunity to photograph our Pack as well as another Pack in the Area. For the first pack I used a three light set up. A large octa as the key light, a medium square fill lights and a strip light with a grid for the hair light. The Pack was able to use the photos as gifts to the parents at the end of the year. For the second Pack I used a simpler 2 light set up. The large octa and the hair light. The two light set up was much easier to work with around the kids. I only needed to adjust the key light depending on the height of the Scout, saving time verses having to adjust the key light and the fill light.
3 Light Set Up
3 Light Set Up
3 Light Set Up
2 Light Set up
2 Light Set up
2 Light Set up